TRACE BUNDY - I was born in Austin,
MN (you know, where SPAM is made) and moved to the small town of Buena Vista,
CO. I first started playing guitar when I was about 11 or 12 years old when my
brother Greg and I both chipped in $5 to buy a $10 acoustic guitar from a guy
named Herbie. We didn’t know where to start so we picked up a guitar magazine
and learned how to play a song by Metallica. Although I was not a fan of heavy
metal, that was what I originally learned to play, on acoustic guitar of course.
Shortly after, I learned how to play some chords and songs like Johnny B. Goode
and various Def Leppard hits. I could never afford lessons so everything I
learned was on my own, learning other people’s songs, making up my own stuff,
etc. I became very interested in why music sounds good and why different notes
and chords seem to work together. This got me very interested in music theory. I
started to figure out the patterns that exist in most music, and started to put
names to my discoveries like “Trace’s 7 chord theory”, etc. (later in college I
took a basic music theory class and found that all of my discoveries already
existed and had big important sounding names). The more music theory I learned,
the more I started writing my own songs, trying to incorporate my new
discoveries into my music. Muriel Anderson's All Star Guitar Night benefits the Music For Life Alliance
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